Ode to travel and world cuisine with Mons chef Alex Mulot from the World Food Café

The chef of the World Food Café in Mont-de-Marsan Alex Mulot likes to take his customers on a journey. Himself a globetrotter like a good part of his team, he draws inspiration from his travels to offer colorful and tasty world cuisine. Add to that a thundering decoration and an atmosphere of hell and you have successful evenings with friends, lovers and even family.

Tapas on the menu of the day at Circuit Bleu Côté Saveurs

Heading to Spain with this tapas platter from the World Food Café is just irresistible. A platter to share of course where everything is homemade. Cod fritters, panko and coconut breaded bluefin tuna, rabas, pintxos, croquetas, chicken skewers, Iberian charcuterie,… It’s hard to know where to turn!

WFC tapas in Mont-de-Marsan. © Radio France

You will therefore certainly give in to the temptation of these homemade tapas with a good cocktail prepared on the spot by the restaurant’s new Brazilian bartender! A restaurant known for its warm atmosphere and its themed evenings such as the carnival evening of this Saturday, March 12, the team is waiting for you in disguise! Reservations more than recommended.

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After the tapas you might want to taste the “Curry wurst” typical dish from Germany or a “Asia slider chik’n red curry” or even the “Humus” where the “falafel” of the Orient with why not for dessert the “Mexican Banana Bomb” where the “patels des nata” Portuguese pastries. To consult the whole menu of the restaurant click here!

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The World Food Café is located at 11 Rue du Maréchal Bosquet, 40000 Mont-de-Marsan.

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