OD Andalusia | ODélirium, ODeception

Unlike an endless source of Truly drink, our collective patience is running dry. Even though we are close to total drought, under the baking sun of Andalusia.

Not only does nothing happen in the villas ofDouble occupationbut in addition the production almost dishonestly promotes dramatic events which never materialize.

All week, the self-proclaimed mourner of this 2023 vintage, clinical nurse Marie-Andrée, sank into what she calls “delirium”, convinced that her favorite, Anthony, would succumb to the charms of the beautiful Rebecca during their trip in Vienna.

For four days, Marie-Andrée, 26 years old, bawled, moaned, ruminated and threatened to slam the door if Anthony, a carpenter of few words, gave in to the social worker Rebecca, 26 years old, although she was on display with financial director Mathieu Pasta , 24 years old, from Laval.

Finally, a little spice, we naively thought as we counted the number of camera shots (hint: way too many) on the cans of Barrfly. But no. These rumors of flirting and crushing hearts (on a merry-go-round, seriously?) were fabricated to bait us.

“Like, were you guys suspicious that something happened?” », noted Rebecca upon returning from Austria. Yes, Rebecca, we “suspected” something, like, because the extracts have been hammering it into our heads for three episodes.

During this same more than platonic stay, Anthony was charmed by the cleanliness and splendor of Vienna. “Even the people are super beautiful here, the genetics are incredible,” he enthused. Could we be dealing with a former Eugenics participant in the making?

But let’s not deviate from the main subject: there are limits to titillation and never delivering the goods. I’m talking about the twists and turns in OD here, not the situation with Simon and Mia’s lips, who still haven’t made physical contact.

On Sunday evening, the 90-minute episode was to culminate with a spectacular elimination, which was announced ad nauseam by hosts Fred Robichaud and Alicia Moffet. Can you believe that this super simple promise wasn’t even kept, holy simonach of (insert big coronation here)? Don’t miss OD Extra – the following broadcast – to find out the outcome of the deliberations, which were among the most difficult in the history of OD!

No thanks. That’s enough helium-blown stuff for one evening. And it didn’t “move me” at all, to quote Alexandra, 27, who is a “bit of a snake”, according to Mia.

We watch OD this fall and we wonder why the contestants spend their days sitting in a row on the couch, waiting for the door to open. They seem to find the time long, like us.

At least some lucky singles are getting out of the houses. During a horse riding activity in Corsica, real estate entrepreneur Jérémy, 28, gave a French lesson to his partner Marilyne, a psychology student. “I rode a horse, because there is one. But we rode horses, because there were two,” Jérémy insisted in front of Marilyne who then whispered to him that “Antoine and you, it’s quite the two that I want to go to.” Martin St-Louis, coach of the Montreal Canadiens, must have been proud.

As he talks about from the red carpet, and this is what earned him his nickname, Mathieu Pasta (aka Mathieu Poirier) finally prepared his duck confit pasta, a recipe that he stole from his ex -fiancee and which contains demi-glace, an ingredient that made Rebecca frown. “I don’t even know what demi-glace tastes like. Is it like brown sauce? Like poutine? », asked Rebecca, who would no doubt be torn between an internship at Curieux Bégin or at Ashton, chef, yes chef!

Returning from a flamenco class, restaurateur Antoine, 31, noticed that his geography lessons went back several years. “Cádiz, it’s like an island, you’re surrounded a little bit by Spain, but it’s like really an island. We are really on the edge of the sea and everything,” said Antoine, just a short word from happiness: peninsula.

To continue on flamenco, host Fred Robichaud had all the trouble in the world differentiating it from “flamingo”, which is a) a delicious chicken nugget, b) a rundown Las Vegas hotel or c) the English word to designate a flamingo.

This type of buffoonery, bordering on a crutch, constantly comes up in the interventions of the two hosts, who stick to the second degree that Jay Du Temple brought during his six seasons at the helm of Noovo’s reality show.

But Lady Pagaille doesn’t want to, even with loose, airy clothes. Alicia Moffet and Fred Robichaud probably give the best of what they have to offer.

And that, in the middle of a boring edition, is already better than a diluted and blown-out plot. More in 15 seconds. Or tomorrow, if we decide to fool you again.

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