octogenarian indicted for attempted murder

The octogenarian who stabbed his girlfriend last Thursday in Bonny sur Loire, near Gien, was indicted for “attempted murder”. At this stage of the investigation, justice therefore retains the thesis of premeditation.

The thesis of a premeditated act

82 years old, the man would not have endured that his spouse, aged 46, please leave it after several years of living together. “I wanted to kill her” he told investigators. The couple had no history of domestic violence, at least to the knowledge of justice.

The victim received the stab in the stomach, she was seriously injured but her life is not in danger. She had managed to flee bloody from their accommodation, passers-by had come to her aid, before the arrival of the firefighters, then the gendarmes.

Locked down in a medical establishment

According to our information, the alleged attacker asked a deadline to prepare his defense before the judge of freedoms and detention (JLD). The debate before the JLD has therefore been postponed to next Tuesday. In the meantime, the octogenarian has been imprisoned in a medical prison, because of the health problems from which he suffers.

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