One year after the attacks perpetrated in Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Yonathan Arfi, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France, was the guest of France Inter.
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“The reality for Jews around the world has been a confrontation with a wave of anti-Semitism not seen since the Holocaust.“, assured Monday October 7 on France Inter Yonathan Arfi, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France, one year after the attacks perpetrated in Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023.
For a year, the president of Crif has felt a “immense feeling of vulnerability, as if there had been a regression in history, as if the Jewish people were projected into times where they were once again persecuted and potentially exterminated“. It describes a “open, gaping wound, which does not heal firstly because there are still hostages, the conflict still rages, but also and above all because in France, anti-Semitism exploded from October 7, 2023“.
A note from the National Directorate of Territorial Intelligence (DNRT) in fact mentions a 192% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in France between the first half of 2023 and the first half of 2023. The president of Crif explains that “this anti-Semitism reaches all levels of society“French. It thus evokes a “popular anti-Semitism made of anti-Semitic prejudices which we find over-represented among sympathizers of the extreme left, the extreme right and among French people who identify as Muslims“. Yonathan Arfi also notes “anti-Semitism among young people [via] social networks“, “a religious anti-Semite with the progression of Islamism” And “a political stratum” due, according to him, to a “cpolitical authority given by LFI to anti-Semitism”.
Yonathan Arfi was not surprised by the increase in anti-Semitic acts, which he sees as a direct consequence of the October 7 attacks. He describes this as “phenomenon of activation, mimicry“.”October 7 had a function of calling for hatred which was heard by anti-Semites around the world“, he regrets. The president of Crif explains that this “dynamic“had already been”at work at the time of the Toulouse attacks [en 2012] or Hyper Kosher“in 2015.”An initial anti-Semitic act causes new acts in the days and weeks that follow in France as elsewhere“, he adds.