The staff of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) continued to hold on, Tuesday, the day after the departure of Dominique Ollivier.
The call for resignation made by Mayor Valérie Plante and opposition leader Aref Salem did not have an immediate effect on President Isabelle Beaulieu and her secretary general Guy Grenier.
“With all respect for Montreal institutions, Ms. Beaulieu will honor the two summons given to her and meet this week with the Office of the Auditor General as well as the Finance and Administration Commission,” the communications manager indicated by email. Gabriel Martre-Dufour. “She will not grant interviews before these meetings. »

Guy Grenier
Mme Ollivier and Mme Beaulieu must actually testify before municipal officials at the end of the week.
As of Monday, on the other hand, Valérie Plante sealed the fate of the two leaders still in office: they “no longer have the confidence of the municipal council”, she ruled.
Last week, Isabelle Beaulieu publicly stated that she wanted to keep her job, but added that “it is the elected officials who will decide” if she can do so. She also did her mea culpa regarding the significant expenses she invoiced to the OCPM, including a pair of Apple headphones for $900.
The OCPM has been at the heart of a crisis for 10 days concerning the travel and restaurant expenses of its leaders, who frequently traveled around the world. An oyster dinner for $347 for two people in a Parisian restaurant particularly made an impression. The expenses were revealed by Quebecor media.