Ocon at the foot of the podium, Gasly sixth in the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix

Fourth and sixth, the Norman pilots obtain places of honor at the Formula 1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. Esteban Ocon flirted with the podium, lost by a tenth of a second against a Mercedes obviously faster in pure value. The Normand first managed a magnificent first lap before benefiting from a cascade of events which even placed him very briefly in the lead. Then he led his second part of the race perfectly under the pressure of a McLaren (Ricciardo) then a Mercedes (Bottas). More anonymous but fruitful race for Pierre Gasly, who first lost several positions in the opening laps before resurfacing to finish in front of the Ferraris.

Formula 1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix ranking

Ocon a tenth of a second from the podium

Context : Ninth in qualifying, Esteban Ocon clearly dominated his teammate Alonso, ranked thirteenth. The Normand is almost on a par with the Spaniard in the exercise of the round launched since the start of the season (11-10 for Alonso).

Race: Good start toEsteban Ocon who immediately goes up to Tsunoda and resists a muscular packing from the Japanese. Then the Alpine pilot erases Gasly in the first lap, which he loops in seventh position.

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Well into the rhythm, the Normand found himself fourth during the intervention of the safety car. Several drivers took the opportunity to go to the pits to change their tires while the Alpine remained on the track. This choice is enhanced by the unexpected decision of the race director to suspend the event (red flag). Esteban Ocon will start fourth with renewed gums. A few minutes later, the Norman pilot made a good takeoff and benefited from the tensions on the first braking to subtly slip between the two Mercedes. The race is still stopped (new accident in the peloton) with Ocon now in second position.

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Then comes a surreal discussion during the intermission: a muscular maneuver from Verstappen prompts the race management to suggest that he come back behind Hamilton. Far from these unprecedented negotiations in F1 (!) And accepted by the offender, the Normand is therefore propelled to pole position for the new start ! He will have to set off in front of the hot Hamilton-Verstappen duo with the pressure to race without interfering in the battle for the world title.

Esteban Ocon got off to a decent start, but he went through ultra aggressive Verstappen (Red Bull) on first braking. Then the Alpine is logically overtaken by the Mercedes from Hamilton. The winner of the Hungarian Grand Prix is ​​third when the race regains a regular pace. His opponents for the podium: Ricciardo (McLaren) followed by Bottas (Mercedes).

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The Normand initially managed to keep two seconds ahead of his former Australian team-mate, a commendable performance knowing that he was riding hard compounds against mediums for the McLaren. Ten laps from the end, his opponent for the podium changes identity: Bottas (Mercedes) is after him. The Finn is once again becoming a logical candidate for the podium as the German car is faster than the French. Ocon will deliver a magnificent resistance but saw the podium escape him on the last lap, during the final acceleration towards the finish line. Extreme frustration after a faultless race. But Formula 1 will always remain a discipline where mechanical values ​​prevail over driving.

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The best possible result for Pierre Gasly

Context : As usual Pierre Gasly starts from the top of the grid: sixth in contact with the best cars on the grid (Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari). The Normand will try to confirm in the race after an irregular series of three top 10s during the last seven Grands Prix.

Race: Bad impulse from Gasly immediately passed by Norris (McLaren) at the start. Then the Bois-Guillaumais saw the Ebroïcien Esteban Ocon overtake him in the first lap. Pierre Gasly fell to eighth after the first loop.

The Norman was quickly attacked by Ricciardo at the wheel of a clearly faster McLaren. Unsurprisingly, Gasly slipped into ninth position. He seemed to be in difficulty with his tires but his team nevertheless chose to leave him on the track when the Safety Car entered the track (Schumacher accident). Good choice because the race is stopped a few moments later… which will allow a change of tires without going through the pits! Seventh at the restart, he gained a place by taking advantage of the abandonment of Perez (Red Bull) from the first hectometres of the (very brief) resumption of the race following the accident of the Mexican.

Distanced by the pilots who preceded him, Pierre Gasly first managed to build a significant gap on his closest pursuer: Giovinazzi (Alfa Romeo), who blocked the two Ferraris for a long time in his wake. Then the red cars managed to pass to threaten the Norman in the last laps. But Pierre Gasly still retains this sixth place quite unexpected in view of its pace at the start of the race.

The race: Hamilton and Verstappen tied before the final

The Grand Prix was won by Lewis Hamilton ahead of Max Verstappen after a very tense race between the two world title contenders. This result places them tied on points before the final meeting of the season, next Sunday in Abu Dhabi.

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