Ocean Viking: what will become of the migrants welcomed by France?


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The day after the docking of the Ocean Viking in Toulon, Friday November 11, the 230 migrants who were on board spent their first night in Hyères, on the Giens peninsula. Journalist Théo Souman is on hand to take stock of the situation.

Since Friday November 11 and the landing of the humanitarian boat Ocean Viking in the port of Toulon (Var), the urgency was to provide care and a minimum of comfort to migrants who spent nearly three weeks at sea. This Saturday, November 12, a Red Cross official told journalist Théo Soumanpresent in Hyères (Var) where they are accommodated, that “many migrants arrived barefoot here last night in the waiting area on the Giens peninsula“. Associations provided them with clothes and shoes.

All passengers of theOcean Viking have applied for asylum. In the next few hours, interviews to assess these requests will begin.”says Theo Souman. Boxes have been set up with translators so that these interviews take place in the best conditions.The idea is to work on a case-by-case basis to assess with each person their need for protection depending, in particular, on their country of origin.states the journalist. Those whose application is accepted will be able to stay in France for the duration of the procedure, then will be distributed among the 11 European countries which have committed to welcoming them.

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