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On Wednesday November 9, 234 migrants are still stranded on a humanitarian ship in the Mediterranean Sea. Tension is rising between France and Italy. The French reject the responsibility on the transalpine.
Wednesday, November 9, theOcean Viking is still located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, but is now moving towards France. The humanitarian boat has been stuck for 19 days at sea and is occupied by 234 migrants, including 55 minors. In a statement, Giorgia Meloni, the head of the Italian government, thanked the French for welcoming the ship. This decision of not receiving the boat is seen as a coup de force by the new President of the Italian Council.
After the publication of the press release, there were many reactions in France, since the government has not yet officially given its agreement for the boat to dock in a port in France. “The current attitude of the Italian government (…) is unacceptable“, reacted Olivier Véran. For their part, Corsica and the city of Marseille, through its mayor, Benoit Payan, have offered to host the Ocean Viking.