Occupation Double does not deserve to survive

I also watched the famous Sunday episode ofDouble occupation. Yes yes.

• Read also: Double occupancy Martinique: candidates accused of intimidation return to Quebec

• Read also: ODLisa LaFlamme, Grand Prix: Crisis Over Crisis at Bell

I have never seen such a cocktail of skepticism, pathos, ridicule and hypocrisy.

It was so grotesque, bad, surreal that it became enjoyable.

It was like watching a train derailment in slow motion, but without my feeling an ounce of sympathy or pity for the people involved, both on the production side and on the participants’ side, who knew or should have known in what they embarked.

  • Listen to Joseph Facal on QUB radio:


Before this show, I thought that everything had been said about the monumental hypocrisy of the producers.

They discover a social conscience and tons of empathy when the sponsors withdraw. Until then, we were giving a good show.

But Sunday’s episode – perhaps the most spectacularly failed damage control operation in Quebec television history – reached new lows of hypocrisy.

The real “scandal” is not in the “intimidation” exercised by three candidates. Do politics or high-level sports and we’ll talk about bullying again.

Sunday, we wanted to do the trick of honesty and transparency. It was so honest and transparent that we never heard the version of the excluded.

Disappeared from the photo album, like in the Soviet purges.

I laughed to tears when I saw the executive producer, sputtering, trying to find her words, to make it clear that her team now found unacceptable what had been perfectly acceptable until then.

The summit was the two “experts” who came to coach on “toxic masculinity” and “bullying”.

The “author” was harping on what you’d find in the first five pages of a psycho-pop book at Costco.

The UQAM professor must have made many of his colleagues cringe seeing him use his university degrees to participate in and endorse an improvised rescue operation by a private company that put itself in the “m…. “.

Become learned monkeys, the remaining participants chanted the new gospel of syrupy benevolence.

The host, meanwhile, was smiling his embarrassed little smile as he served tea on the deck of the titanicwater up to the knees.

  • For more Joseph Facal, it’s here:


Seriously, when a show is based on an elimination concept and you recruit participants with such profiles, what do you expect?

Here are guys who find themselves hotwho go to the gym a lot, who have a lot of free time, some of whom need to be spoken to slowly so that they understand, and who dream of a shortcut to “stardom” and money.

It gives what it gives.

“I haven’t been myself from the start,” said one of them, moved, troubled, destabilized.

Hey, bro, you’re in a TÉ-LÉ-RÉ-A-LI-TÉ! What part of the word do you miss?

Okay, now that we’re done laughing, this monument to hypocrisy doesn’t deserve to survive.

There are limits to taking ourselves for idiots.

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