“Occupation Double” became “Survivor”

Like many Quebecers, I am interested Double occupation for several years. This game of seduction and love aims to crown, at the end of the season, a winning couple who have triumphed in the eyes of Quebec by their love and their quirkiness.

Obviously, these adventures are punctuated by mini-dramas in the houses of girls and boys. Love triangle, dissatisfaction as a travel guide, drunken party, etc.

Obviously we expect to see a lot of tears, whether they are tears of pain or of joy.

But we certainly don’t expect the game of love and seduction to become a field of intimidation. And that goes back more than a season.

  • Listen to the interview with Kevin Lapierre, former candidate ofDouble Occupancy South Africa and of Big Brother Celebrities, on Yasmine Abdelfadel’s show on QUB radio:

Let us remember Kevin Lapierre, already a few years ago, who was targeted by part of the boys’ house, who called him a “drain” that had to be taken out. We may have been shocked to see such remarks being made that we wondered if the production had not already cut other more insulting passages to preserve us.

Guess not. You have to believe that bullying pays off. That has become the object of the game. Who will insult who? Who will bully whom? Who will exclude and bring hell to whom? It is to wonder even if the profile of bully is not knowingly sought during the hearings. It would make a damn good show, as they say in the local dialect!

The reason the production kicked out the main masterminds of these bullying schemes was because the sponsors were starting to disassociate themselves from the show. It became toxic and a source of discomfort that companies didn’t want to be tied to. It is certainly not the pressure exerted for several days, even weeks, by the televiewers which led to this decision. But just money.

They had reached the breaking point of the adage saying ‘talk about it good, talk about it bad, but talk about it’. The return of the boomerang is violent. It will teach them.

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