oc speech studies center

Lou counvida / The guest

Jean-Marie Ramier in Aqui sian ben. © Radio France

Jean Marie RamierProvençal teacher, president of Cep d’Oc, vice-president of Credd’O

The Center for the Study of the Word of Oc (Cep d’Oc)


Created on the initiative of the three main movements for the defense and promotion of the Oc language (Félibrige, Institut d’Etudes Occitanes and Parlaren), the association COL’OC gave birth in 2012 to Center for the Study of the Word of Oc (OC CEP).

The audio-visual collections it owns have been deposited with the city of Aix, which manages the Provençal media library of the COL’OC, which is now municipal.

the OC PIU having focused its activities on the audio-visual field, therefore aims to:
– The training of defenders of the langue d’oc in the varieties of the region. (Provençal, Nice and Vivaro-Alpine) to audio-visual tools.
– The collection of the word of oc as it is expressed in the diversity of its dialects through recordings which then enrich the COL’OC media library
– The publication of audio-visual documents (DVD, CD) mainly for the use of teachers
– Making audio-visual documents available to the widest public through its website: cepd-oc.fr
– Animation of the COL’OC media library and more broadly of the O(u)stau de Provence through screenings, exhibitions or conferences”

Libre-audiò “Mirèio” / Audio-book “Mireille”

Mirèio, audiobook of Frédéric Mistral's masterpiece offered by the Cep d'Oc.
Mirèio, audiobook of Frédéric Mistral’s masterpiece offered by the Cep d’Oc.
Cep d’Oc

Mireio is the literary masterpiece of Frédéric Mistral, crowned with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904. An epic poem in 12 songs, the Provençal text is extremely rich.

Twelve personalities from Provence have agreed to lend their voice to a song (in alphabetical order): Michel Bouisson, Miquèla Bramerie, Virginie Brel-Suppo, Estelle Ceccarini, Michel Desplanches, Mireille Durand-Guériot, Pierre Fabre, Anne Lambert, René Moucadel, Jean-Bernard Plantevin, Jean-Marie Ramier and Jean-Michel Turc.

To order on the Cep d’Oc website!

The cansoun / The song

Amiradou – text by Frédéric Mistral, set to music and performed by the group Lou Dard (Martigues, 1979)

Lou Dard, cansoun dóu Païs d'O
Lou Dard, cansoun dóu Païs d’O
Lou Stinger

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