Observe the birds on the ponds of Mayenne.

8 km course in 2h30. It’s perfect for an afternoon as the days begin to lengthen.

What is interesting on this route is the natural heritage around the ponds. On this territory, we see a reconquest of biodiversity taking shape in vegetated settings. There are rushes, buttercups, water lilies, irises which are preparing from February for a bloom to come in spring and early summer. During the year, one can observe moorhens, crested grebes, herons, some of which are gray and even kingfishers. The ponds are also a winter rest area for migratory birds and now is the best time to observe them with binoculars to get closer to them while keeping a distance. The Hyère is the name of the river which crosses Peuton as Marigné-Peuton. Also push the door of the church of Peuton typical of the 17th century. It has a rare classical facade and a beautiful interior with statuary in the altarpiece, notably a glory symbolized by a Trinity, a representation that is rarely found in Mayenne churches.

This circuit is published in the Mayenne des chemins hollow, an essential work which is only 3 months old and distributed in good bookstores and supermarkets. This guide will help you prepare for your spring outings by choosing 65 hiking ideas. Long live freedom, right?

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