Nyasse imports and sells argan oil with a very important ethical and social component

“It’s my job”, all summer long, retraces 40 original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Thursday, July 7, we paint the portrait of Mouna Gherras, who sells argan oil produced by women’s cooperatives in Morocco and which allows them to live well from their work.

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Nyasse is the name of the company launched by Mouna Gherras, and it means “women” in Arabic. An information system engineer, this boss imports and sells very high quality argan oil, with a very important ethical and social component. If thShe has worked on the digital transformation of large groups, with the salaries that go with it, she has, in fact, another motivation: “Acting for womenshe pleads. Knowing that I have a use in being able to offer something for women, which helps a population of women, is what has driven me since I was very young.”

Mouna Gherras launched her business at the end of 2019. But to sell in the shops, it was not ideal: they were locked up during confinement. She therefore sold only on her website, but was not discouraged.

“I took my courage in both hands, I took my phone. As soon as I found a phone number, an email address, I called and I only had positive answers.”

Mouna Gherras

on franceinfo

“Managers of small cosmetic shops, etc… I really targeted several categories of several potential resellers”, details Mouna Gherras.

For production in Morocco, it follows the rules of the international label Fairtrade, which obliges him to buy their production at a certain price. This has consequences on the selling price of its oil, which is more expensive than the competition, but it is for a good cause. Moroccan women, thanks to Nyasse also invest in their village, with a well here, a school elsewhere. Mouna Gherras has invested all of her savings and she has unwavering faith in the future of her company.

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