NY Red Bulls 2 – CF Montreal 1 | acts of self-sabotage

Victory always camouflages certain flaws. However, when you no longer win, these bad folds take center stage and are revealed in broad daylight.

Errors in concentration once again undermined CF Montreal, which ultimately fell 2-1 to the New York Red Bulls on Saturday night at Red Bulls Arena.

The first time, it’s a course fault. On the second occurrence in four days, it’s worrying. It’s the same recipe, albeit with a slightly different flavor, that led to the loss of Hernán Losada’s men on Saturday. A messy first half that sank the team from the start, bad reading of the game and an inferiority complex abroad are the causes of this Montreal setback.

A miscalculated pass from George Campbell led to the home side’s first goal, then Joel Waterman missed his positioning on the second by allowing Cory Burke into a legal position.

CFM’s only real threat came from a long free kick. It was precisely Campbell and Waterman who combined to find the back of the net.

The Impact still nearly saved itself with a point, when a shot from Sunusi Ibrahim hit the arm of a New York defender in stoppage time. The video referee did not award a penalty, however.

The Montrealers seemed at their wit’s end at times, victims of their busy schedule in recent weeks. The catch is that the next few weeks will be too, so Losada will have to find a solution.

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