Ferrero launches its “Plant Based” Nutella without ingredients of animal origin, but does not remove palm oil from its recipe.
Reading time: 3 min

It remains the great classic, on the shelves filled with hazelnut/cocoa spread, you will necessarily recognize its pots, and if you go to the supermarket, you will discover a new one. Identical pot but green lid, on the label you will read: Nutella Plant Based, that is to say “based on plants”, because this new version presents itself as “certified vegan”.
This means that it does not contain any ingredients of animal origin. In this case, the milk present in the original Nutella recipe disappears. It is replaced by chickpeas and rice syrup. A small clarification, however, which will interest some: it is indicated, on the list of ingredients, that it “may contain traces of milk“. But here it is, this product is presented as vegan. And is therefore aimed at vegans (those who do not consume any products of animal origin), at vegans, who associate it with a lifestyle that respects animals. And finally, at the many French people who want to eat more products of plant origin: 4 people out of 10, according to some estimates.
This is the stated objective of Ferrero, the parent company. Especially since, in recent years, other brands of spread have entered the market. So the idea is to take back control. Starting with a 350 gram pot sold for 4.19 euros. That’s more expensive than the original.
But remember that the classic is available in biscuits, muffins, ice cream… Maybe Plant Based will also have offspring!
Today, in any case, these Nutella-based products represent 390 million euros in sales in France: a quarter of Ferrero’s total turnover.
Which come to replace skimmed milk powder: it represents 8.7% of the ingredients, in a classic pot. What is certain is that the main ingredient is sugar, and the next one is palm oil. That doesn’t change.
“Let’s be honest, we don’t eat Nutella for its nutritional values.“, admits Dr. Diana Kadouch, nutritionist. You get the message and you know it: the jar should be put away in the junk food cupboard. As a reminder, palm oil, although vegetable, is still singled out for its impact on deforestation. So, it is said that this Nutella Plant Based has the same taste as the original. But, for these two reasons, let’s be reasonable… Let’s not finish the jar at snack time!