Nurses | The issue of compulsory overtime will be heard in the Court of Appeal

(Montreal) The question of the OSI for nurses – compulsory overtime – and the power of intervention of the Administrative Labor Tribunal in this regard will be heard in the Court of Appeal.

Posted at 2:56 p.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The Court of Appeal has just agreed to hear the employer party of the health network, which is contesting a decision of the Superior Court on this subject.

Initially, the Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ) addressed the Administrative Labor Tribunal to ask it to force employers in the health network to use all available means to limit the use of compulsory overtime.

But, in 2019, the Court considered that this was a question of management rights over which it had no control. He accepted an objection from the employers, so he did not rule on the merits of the FIQ’s request to intervene.

Then the 1er last March, the Superior Court ruled in favor of the FIQ, which challenged this decision of the administrative tribunal. Judge Marc St-Pierre had returned the file to the Administrative Labor Tribunal so that it could hear the merits of the FIQ’s request for intervention.

Then it was the Management Committee for Health and Social Services that addressed the Court of Appeal, in turn contesting the decision of the Superior Court. And the Court of Appeal has just agreed to hear the case next January.

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