nuns announce they are leaving the Catholic Church and placing themselves under the authority of an excommunicated pseudo-bishop

A community of Poor Clare nuns has announced that it has left the Catholic Church to place itself under the authority of a bishop who does not recognize the Pope, and who has been excommunicated. All against the backdrop of real estate transactions.

Article written by

franceinfo – Mathieu de Taillac

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

A community of Poor Clare nuns aroused the astonishment of all of Spain and some concern.  Illustrative photo.  (ALESSANDRO SERRANO' / MAXPPP)

The bishop of Burgos was alerted by a rumor. The community of Poor Clare sisters of Belorado reportedly declared leaving the Church. “Sister Paz told us: ‘Yes, we have abandoned the Catholic Church and we are now under the jurisdiction of Pablo de Rojas’tells Monsignor Iceta on Onda Cero radio. Until Monday morning, they told us that they were happy, that everything was going well… So we have been in absolute stupor and perplexity for 48 hours.”

Pablo de Rojas is an individual who presents himself and dresses like a bishop and has been excommunicated. The sisters issued a long statement to express their distrust of all the popes since Pius XII.

In a video, the mother superior wanted to be reassuring: “We are fine, we are not sequestered away from our families. We are not leaving the Church. Those who are worried have a little patience, we will explain to you. In reality, what we want, it is to explain what we have discovered. And our desire for truth and love in Christ.

Truth, love… and real estate. The “Burgos schism”, as the local press nicknamed it, occurred when the Church refused the nuns the purchase of a new convent.

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