Numeris surveys | Since we have to get up at the top, Penelope jumps

Despite the absence of Paul Arcand on the microphone for several weeks, his show Since you have to get up remained the most listened to in Montreal this winter, according to the most recent Numeris polls. Pénélope McQuade and the show bearing her name ranked second in the rankings, a jump in popularity received with enthusiasm.

At 98.5, the temporary absence of Paul Arcand was obviously felt, within the team as well as in the ratings, but we are “super happy” with the polls, Julie-Christine Gagnon tells us, station programming director. “We are number 1 for the eighth consecutive time and we take nothing for granted,” she adds.

The results of this winter season, a little lower than those (particularly high) of the previous winter, are well received by the 98.5 team, which had to compensate for the absence of its star host. “Louis Lacroix, who replaced him, did a great job,” said Julie-Christine Gagnon.

Getting to the top is one thing, but staying there is something else. It’s a tour de force from the people on the air, but also from all those behind the scenes.

Julie-Christine Gagnon, director of programming at 98.5

98.5 has two other broadcasts in the top 5 Montrealer, a feat in itself: Quebec now is in third place and The Normandeau effectfourth.

Penelope continues to stand out

Pénélope McQuade’s show makes a giant leap, going from fourth to second position between fall and winter. She had just climbed to fifth place at this time last year. “This leap is unexpected, unhoped for and quite spectacular”, affirms the host to The Press. She says she and her team are “in shock and delighted”.

The one who says she has long suffered from “a lack of time on television, in certain formats”, can now take the time to explore a variety of subjects in depth.

If you give me the chance to do topics on geopolitics, the environment, mental health disorders, I can’t do them in 10 minutes. I’m hungry for that. I love this whole new sandbox, where I ask sub-questions to people who aren’t necessarily in the traffic of all the other shows.

Penelope McQuade

The formula evolves, “even within the same show”, to prevent “people from getting bored”. “I see that the pool of listeners is growing, I see it in the street, I hear a lot more about it,” she adds. The proximity relationship is not the same [que dans ses expériences précédentes]. I feed off it. Every year this relationship improves. »

Penelope obtains 22.3% of listening, the best result in the history of the morning slot, indicates Radio-Canada. “It’s double our audience ratings from the first year,” notes Pénélope McQuade, proud of her team’s performance. With 17.2% of viewing in the French-speaking Greater Montreal market in winter 2024, ICI Première has tripled its market share since 2020 and achieved the best winter score in its history.

The 10 most listened to shows in Montreal

  1. Since you have to get up (98.5)
  2. Penelope (HERE Premiere)
  3. Quebec now (98.5)
  4. The Normandeau effect (98.5)
  5. Midday info (HERE Premiere)
  6. The day (is still young) (HERE Premiere)
  7. See you next week (Saturday) (ICI Première)
  8. Without reservation (98.5)
  9. Draw me one morning (HERE Premiere)
  10. All one morning (HERE Premiere)

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