Numeris radio polls | Record performance for 98.5 FM

The 98.5 FM monopolized a quarter of radio attention this fall in Montreal, unprecedented, reveal the most recent Numeris polls for the period August 30 to November 28.

Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin

Charles-Éric Blais-Poulin

With 25% of listening hours in the metropolis, Cogeco’s spoken word station has recorded an unprecedented performance since its launch in 2004. “It’s hard to ask for better than that”, launches Pierre Martineau, general manager of 98.5 FM , on the line. “These are the best numbers the station has ever obtained. ”

The market share of 98.5 FM, the most listened to channel in Canada, improved by 4.2 points compared to the same period last year, which represents a jump of 20%. The 98.5 also has three programs in the top 5 Montrealer. Since you have to get up prances in the lead, while Drainville PM and The Normandeau effect occupy the third and fourth places.

Mr. Martineau attributes the results published Wednesday to a “multitude of factors”.

“I think we are still in a period of uncertainty,” he said. There is a search for the truth now, since there is a lot of fake news. There is also the strength and relevance of the teams. And the on-air personalities; it’s a polarizing, relevant and interesting world that works hard. ”

The wind has shifted from our side. We will have to manage expectations. We won’t be able to repeat that ad vitam aeternam.

Pierre Martineau, vice-president of the spoken network of Cogeco and general manager of 98.5 FM

ICI Première remains the second most listened to station with 15.4% of listening shares, a minimal decrease compared to the results of autumn 2020 (15.6%). See you next week and Saturday and nothing else, broadcast on the generalist station, occupy the second and fifth positions of the most loved programs in Montreal.

Losses for music radio

On the third step of the podium, Rythme FM remains the most popular music station on the island, although the Cogeco brand is losing ground. Its audience share of 11% in the fall represents a drop of 18.3% compared to last year (13.5%).

Music radio as a whole seems to have suffered from the dominance of 98.5 FM. CKOI (9%), Énergie (7.4%), Rouge FM (6.9%) and WKND stations all posted a decrease in their coverage, respectively 4.2%, 11.4%, 17.2% and 30.4% compared to fall 2020.

Only ICI Musique, with 4.8% of listening hours against 4.3% last year, has seen a slight improvement. “The vast majority of ICI Musique’s shows are growing in popularity! “, Rejoiced the music channel of Radio-Canada in a Facebook post.

As for the specialized stations, 91.9 Sports hardly changed – from 0.9% to 0.8% -, while the road headaches in the metropolis this fall allowed Radio Circulation to spin towards an increase of 250% of its (modest) viewing share (0.2%).

Finally, among the English-speaking stations, CHOM, almost in good shape, maintains its leading position (5%). The Beat and Virgin follow neck and neck with 4.2% and 4% of listening hours.

Station market shares *

  • 98.5 FM: 25.0%
  • ICI Première: 15.4%
  • FM rhythm: 11.0%
  • CKOI: 9.0%
  • Energy: 7.4%
  • Red FM: 6.9%
  • ICI Music: 4.7%
  • WKND: 1.2%
  • 91.9 Sports: 0.8%
  • Radio Circulation: 0.2%

The most watched programs

  1. Since you have to get up (98.5)
  2. See you next week (HERE Premiere)
  3. Drainville PM (98.5)
  4. The Normandeau effect (98.5)
  5. Saturday and nothing else (HERE Premiere)

* Period from August 31 to November 28, 2021, for the Montreal market

source site-53