Numbers and letters: photos of the new team in full before the big premiere

After fifty years of broadcasting, the show Numbers and letters (France 3) has seen its operation disrupted. First of all, the program changes time slot since it has been replaced by family duel, the new game from Cyril Féraud. In addition, Bertrand Renard, specialist in numbers since 1975, and Arielle Boulin-Prat, pro of letters since 1986, were dismissed. These are therefore new faces that viewers will discover when the game resumes.

And this one is fast approaching since it is Saturday September 17, 2022 that Numbers and letters will return to the air at 5:10 p.m. The program will then be broadcast every Saturday and every Sunday at the same time. As you can discover in the slideshow, Laurent Romejko is still in charge (since 1992). But he will therefore no longer be surrounded by Bertrand Renard and Arielle Boulin-Prat. It is Blandine Maire and Stéphane Crosnier who will take their first steps in the game show, no doubt in the hope of winning the hearts of the public. The producer Patrice Laffont was in any case immediately. “The first is Stéphane Crosnier, who immediately imposed himself on me. He is a very charismatic former candidate, prodigious in numbers. He was brilliant in many Numbers and Letters tournaments. But he also has a very good sense of TV since he worked as a sports editor at BFM TV and RMC Sport“, he confided to TV 7 Days last August. And to add that everyone was thrilled by the casting of his colleague, who is an elementary school teacher, in class CM2. “She has a strong background, because she is a lawyer and has also worked on television as a journalist, working with Olivier Minne or on Fort Boyard”, he specified.

But two others are much less happy, it is obviously Bertrand Renard and Arielle Boulin-Prat who were, according to their words, fired with “a rare violence“.”For the chain we are nothing. We had no phone calls. We were fired, by video, in 10 minutes. This is the reality“, had confided the latter on the waves of Virgin Radio at the beginning of September. She had also revealed that they were deprived of farewells. The affair had started when Bertrand Renard and his former colleague had evoked the “inhumane” way in which they were dismissed. They had explained that their departure had more complex origins than the contractual disagreement put forward by the channel. Both called on a lawyer. For its part, France Télévisions replied to the revelations made on their fixed-term contracts renewed since 36 years old for Arielle, and 47 years old for Bertrand.

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