Numbers and letters: France Télévisions replies after the attacks by Bertrand Renard and Arielle Boulin-Prat

It is humanly unacceptable before it is legally“, claimed Bertrand Renard, specialist in figures since 1975, and Arielle Boulin-Prat, pro of letters present since 1986 in a press release. It is about the way in which France Télévisions chose to exclude them from the program Numbers and letters. But now the group has just retaliated.

While the famous game which has existed for 51 years under this name – before the broadcast did not include the numbers and was named The longest word – will be broadcast more than twice a week at 5:15 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, its emblematic referees have been fired. According to them, it is not a contractual disagreement, contrary to what the France Télévisions group announced, which would be the cause of their eviction. At least, it’s more complicated than that. Thus they revealed that the group would have demanded a drop in their salary of around 60% and that it was refused to grant them a permanent contract while they have been on fixed-term contracts for 36 years for Arielle, and 47 years for Bertrand (the identity of his replacement has just been revealed).

Heavy charges. France Télévisions has therefore decided to react with a press release. “Mrs. Arielle Boulin-Prat and Mr. Bertrand Renard, hosts of this program engaged on fixed-term contracts, refused to continue their collaboration under the new conditions offered to them.“, it is specified. Despite of “many exchanges” that took place “from June“, no agreement has been reached regarding their situation.”They were offered an increase in their fee to compensate for a significant share of the drop in the number of issues. Madame Boulin-Prat and Monsieur Renard refused it“, is it then written. Indeed, it is no longer 5 issues but 2 which will be broadcast per week.

Regarding the duo’s press release referring to fixed-term contracts, France Télévisions also replies: “As entertainers, Mrs. Arielle Boulin-Prat and Mr. Bertrand Renard were hired under standard fixed-term contracts, in accordance with articles L1242-2 and D1242-1 of the Labor Code and the national agreement professional of December 22, 2006 concluded within the branch of television broadcasting. The use of this type of contract is authorized and practiced by the entire profession. This is due to the fact that the renewal of a program in a schedule is re-examined each year. Ms. Boulin-Prat and Mr. Renard worked approximately 35 to 40 days per year, grouped into 6 to 8 sessions. They therefore did not collaborate under the conditions of a full-time permanent contract.” That is very clear. And to conclude on this subject: “These contractual terms have been renewed from year to year by mutual agreement. Mrs. Boulin-Prat and Mr. Renard have never applied for permanent contracts before.

Of course, the groupregret“this situation and discussions are apparently still ongoing to”accompany the end of their career to the extent of their commitment during all these years“.

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