Nuit Verticale tells the story of a midwife born in Chile and exiled in France

“We live, we also survive. But we live….” Extract from Cassandra Vignon’s letter to her son Benoît who died in the mountains at the age of 25.

Vertical Night, Cassandra Vignon. Robin’s writing

Cassandra Vignon left Chile under the Pinochet regime for France. She works as a midwife at the University Hospital of Grenoble. Victim of a burn-out, she decides to take a step back, to question herself about this job. The most beautiful job in the world actually hides deep suffering among caregivers.

Why these sacrifices, sacrifices that impact the family. It was because she was exhausted by work that she refused her son’s invitation to come and spend a few days with him.

Refusal that she will bitterly regret. His son Benoît falls to his death in the mountains. He was happy, solid, in love. He was only 25 years old.

Throughout the pages, we accompany Cassandra on her journey. Between laughter and tears, she makes her way. A trajectory where hope prevails, the will to live out of respect for her son.

A personal story with a universal dimension. We all find our own questions in the face of the oversized place that work takes in our lives, in the face of domination, the influence in the private and professional sphere, in the face of the loss of a loved one.

A moving book of humanity.

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