November Ultra, the voice of success

It is the new voice that thrills the French pop scene. With his first album “Bedroom walls”, November Ultra confirms an immense talent, delicate and touching songs, imagined between the four walls of his room. The singer and musician reveals a universe full of life and intimacy.

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So obviously, there is the brilliance of this voice, which captures both on record and on stage, where November Ultra presents herself alone, her guitar in her hands, after having apprehended the format at the Chantier des Francofolies in La Rochelle. Singing is actually his whole life.

“I love to sing but on the album, I didn’t want to be ‘a singer’, I wanted to express my emotions.”

November Ultra

at franceinfo

His first album is teeming with good ideas and charming imperfections, messages on answering machine, voice notes, the atmosphere of the small Parisian apartment in which Bedroom walls has largely been composed and recorded. Enough to earn the label of “bedroom pop”, which has become a current borrowed by successful artists like Clairo or Girl In Red.

“I didn’t want to have this feeling of going to the office, which disturbed me in the idea of ​​the studio.”

November Ultra

at franceinfo

November Ultra sings in French, English and Spanish, a reflection of its origins. She also took her time, four years for this presentation album, until she let it fly away. “I say a lot that you have to make the music you want to listen to, she saysand me – it’s a bit Kanye West on my part – I would love to listen to my album!

November Ultra, a voice coming out of her bedroom | Yann Bertrand’s chronicle


NovemberUltra, bedroom walls (Hollywood Summer/Virgin Records). Album available. In concert at the Printemps de Bourges on April 22, May 11 in Paris (Trianon).


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