Nour (The Voice) collapsed because of a boy: in tears, she asks for help

Oh no Nour, you hurt me too much, please be strong“, “Courage Nour you deserve only happiness“, “I hope you manage to get out of this“, “I’m so sorry for what’s going on“, “Block it, go out and enjoy your vacation“, “Do what relaxes you, hang out with your friends, your family“, “Penjoy your life and make your dreams come true“, “Try to forget it even if it’s complicated“advised some subscribers of the young woman, very sad to see her in this sorry state.

One of them also tried to comfort the pretty brunette by writing to her: “I’ve been there, don’t worry it’s going to be hard but one day or another you’ll manage to come back up, I promise you“.”It’s been seven months and nothing has changed.” replied Nour, visibly resigned and determined to forget this boyfriend who seems to make her decidedly very unhappy.

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