“Notwithstanding Clause” | The duty

I do not have the impression that, during the next conference aimed at amending the Constitution of Canada, if ever there is one, we will talk about the transfer of full powers in the field of immigration to the Government of Quebec .

English Canada is so prejudiced right now against our government, because of the adoption of Bill 96, which amends Bill 101 (Charter of the French language) and, above all, the use of the notwithstanding clause (“notwithstanding clause”) in the federal Bill of Rights […].

What can the federal government plead before the courts against the use that English Canada finds abusive of this article by Quebec? Nothing ! He will pretend to plead. […]

The Government of Quebec does not use this section lightly. Reason of State dictates it. If we form a people, a French-speaking nation, in this English-speaking sea that constitutes the North American continent, because of our very low birth rate, our government must take its responsibilities and assume the duties that entails. , although it may hurt. Our history is such that we must proceed in this way to make this people live, to make it grow and flourish. No evasion, the remedy imposes itself! Those who say otherwise are either liars or dreamers.

For English Canada, this is precisely where the shoe pinches. This Canada would like to make the notwithstanding clause less accessible […]. On the other side of the Ottawa River, we want a French-speaking Quebec people to exist in Quebec, but we do not want it to have coercive means to ensure its survival. For English Canada, this must happen by magic.

In fact, English Canada would like to impose on us, in the name of cultural uniformity from coast to coast, a model of governance that is in no way appropriate to the situation. […].

However, for us, the question remains: are we really aware of forming a people, a French-speaking nation, with all the duties and all the responsibilities that entails, even if certain decisions to be made can hurt

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