“Nothing obliges a candidate to formally declare himself at the Élysée” according to Cyril Graziani


France 3

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In our column “The campaign without detours”, this Sunday, February 20, the journalist Cyril Graziani, present on the 19/20 set of France 3, takes stock of the political news of the week.

Emmanuel Macron could wait another week before officially announcing his candidacy for the presidential election. “Nothing obliges a candidate to formally declare himself at the Élysée”, indicates Cyril Graziani on the set of 19/20. Emmanuel Macron already has 500 sponsorships, “a letter must also be sent to the Constitutional Council before March 4, in which the candidate expresses his consent to stand“, says the journalist.

In the midst of the Ukrainian crisis, the priority of the Head of State, “it is first of all to obtain a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia”, adds Cyril Graziani. There were rallies this week. “Ségolène Royal, who judges that the vote useful on the left, is Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On the far right, it is Nicolas Bay who finally rallies Éric Zemmour, or even the former socialist ministers Elisabeth Guigou and Marisol Touraine who announce joining Emmanuel Macron”, explains the journalist. Among the bottoms of the week, Valérie Pécresse “now struggling to convince, including in his camp”continues Cyril Graziani.

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