Not the penny candy

We could be delighted with the appointment of Sophie Brochu as head of Hydro-Québec. Here is a high-level manager with a proven business record in the energy field. She is not the product of some feminist “affirmative action” or dismissal for political services. This managerial profile is all the more necessary for our government corporation since Quebec premiers, historically, have not been shy about using Hydro-Québec for political rather than economic purposes. “We don’t want to be the $1 store for renewable electricity in the world” to attract industrial customers, says Sophie Brochu, in a “Fitzgibonnian” tone. Offer electricity at a competitive rate, yes, but not as if we were selling “candy by the penny”. This message of great clarity was addressed to MM. Legault and Fitzgibbon while the latter, apparently, wants to expand his field of intervention. Developing new sources of energy through electric dams is an excellent strategy, but not from the perspective of selling off our natural resources. Quebec, through the quality and availability of its human resources, the expertise of its university network and its research centres, its numerous government assistance programs, particularly in R&D, and its geopolitical situation has sufficient competitive advantages without imposing costly solutions on Hydro-Québec.

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