“Not the moment to put on the table texts which are inflammatory”, judges François Bayrou the High Commissioner for Planning


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François Bayrou considers that it is necessary to tackle soon the examination of this bill, already voted in committee in an amended version last week.

“Now is not the time to put on the table texts that are inflammatory”, judged on Wednesday March 22 on franceinfo the president of the MoDem François Bayrou, while the government is preparing, according to information from franceinfo, to postpone “sine die” the examination of the immigration bill which was expected next week in the Senate .

“Now is not the time, we will see in a few weeks”underlined the mayor of Pau and High Commissioner for Planning. “There are laws which are laws which create tensions“, he repeated. However, François Bayrou considers that it is necessary to tackle soon the examination of the bill on immigration, already voted in committee in an amended version last week. “Nothing would be worse than putting all that aside and walking away whistling, not caring what happens next”he developed, believing that “it is a great subject of concern, of questioning, of discomfort for the French”.

Find a “common way of life”

According to the boss of the Modem, “different sensitivities” must “to recognize that our fellow citizens present in the country, including those of immigrant origin, can find a common way of life and share something of the future without giving up who they are”.

While the text tenses the left and the boss of the senators Les Républicains (LR) Bruno Retailleau has already indicated that his group would not vote for a text likely to generate “draughts” by creating in particular a residence permit “job in tension”the use of a new 49.3 “wouldn’t be a good idea”warns François Bayrou. “On immigration law or any other law”the use of Article 49.3 of the Constitution “wouldn’t be a good idea”he specified.

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