Lots of smiles and good humor, but we’re not going to lie to each other, the DFCO players’ autograph session did not attract crowds. This Wednesday, April 27, we rarely queued in the club shop at the Gaston Gerard stadium. The captain Daniel Congré, top scorer Aurelien Scheidler and their companions Cheick Traore and Willity Younoussa were there to discuss with their public and sign photos and posters.
Few adults at the rendezvous. The last results in series have dampened the enthusiasm a little, and in 13th place in the soft underbelly of the ranking, the DFCO does not have much left to play. Ultimately, it was mainly the children who came to ask for autographs, very happy to approach the players. We followed Hector 11 years oldstraight from Saint Apollinaire.
– Olivier Estran
– Olivier Estran
In adults, Jeremy, Cedric and Didier are among those few fans who despite everything have decided not to sulk their pleasure. They also came to take selfies and claim their autographed posters
– Olivier Estran
– Olivier Estran
There are 3 matches left to play for DFCO. This Saturday, April 30, the Reds will face the Chamois Niortais it will of course be to live live from 6:45 p.m. on France Bleu Bourgogne.