“Not surprising” for LFI, “inaction of the president” judge LR, “a bonus for failure” tackles the RN … the main political reactions after the announcement of the maintenance of Elisabeth Borne at Matignon

If the majority welcomes the announced maintenance of Elisabeth Borne at Matignon, the opposition formations deplore the continuation of the policy led by Emmanuel Macron until then.

After several weeks of rumors about the future of the Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron finally decided on Monday July 17: Élisabeth Borne is maintained at Matignon so as to “to ensure stability and substantive work“, according to the entourage of the President of the Republic. The Head of State, who will speak by the end of the week, however asked him to “make adjustments in his government“. An announcement hailed by the majority and denounced by the opposition.

>>> These “transparent” ministers, on an ejection seat in the event of a reshuffle of the government of Elisabeth Borne

For LFI, “Emmanuel Macron maintains Emmanuel Macron”

This maintenance is logical, Emmanuel Macron maintains Emmanuel Macron“, quipped Monday on franceinfo the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière, for whom”the same policy will continue.

Alexis Corbière believes that “the Fifth Republic gives the president not only a lot of power, but also the possibility of commenting, of saying that it doesn’t work, that the method is wrong“. According to him, “this is what tore the country apart and continues to tear it apart: the brutality on the pension reform“. The LFI deputy judges that “on the merits, Emmanuel Macron agreed with Madame Borne. It would have been almost unfair that the one who did exactly what the President of the Republic asked of her finds herself sanctioned on arrival“.

It is sure that it was not jostling at the gate to get into a boat that was sinking“, presses franceinfo MEP Manon Aubry. “In reality, it is above all the confirmation that it will not change anything in the policy which is carried out in favor of the richest. A policy of climate inaction, such an authoritarian policy“, she berates.

>>> “Everyone is waiting and freaking out”: behind the scenes of the hypothetical reshuffle, which is testing the nerves of ministers and advisers

“A simple executing potential”, at LR

It is not Elisabeth Borne alone who holds all the keys to executive policy. If she was chosen by Emmanuel Macron, it is because she had a relatively strong potential as a simple performer.“, estimates on franceinfo Fabien Di Filippo, deputy LR of Moselle. “Compared to everything that has happened over the past year, I see that on essential subjects such as immigration, work, France’s indebtedness“, there has been no progress.”All these subjects with Elisabeth Borne, are put under the carpet“, deplores the chosen one.

So this government’s ability to act is extremely weak.” And “I find Parliament since 49-3 on pensions plunged into a very worrying lethargy. And so this inaction of the president cannot satisfy me“.

“Not up to the challenges”, tackles the RN

Emmanuel Macron is not up to the challenges. It’s a reward for failure“, denounced for his part Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the RN and deputy of Moselle on franceinfo. “Emmanuel Macron had given his Prime Minister 100 days to create a sense of calm in France. We had the riots that we knew“, recalls Laurent Jacobelli. “He had asked him to change the daily life of the French. Gasoline is still just as expensive, so are primary consumer products.“The RN MP also recalls”failure“of the pension reform, “since it will cost about as much as today, but it will take two more years to work“.

He points again”the ever more present problems of insecurity” as well as “immigration which is still not controlled“. Elisabeth Borne “fails on all counts. It’s a red light at all levels“, insists Laurent Jacobelli. However, Emmanuel Macron “holds it in place. It’s still very serious to be so disconnected from the daily reality of the French“.

“We have results”, answers the majority

It is the decision of the President of the Republic. I always said it. Elisabeth Borne has always had the support of Renaissance deputies and more broadly of the presidential majority“, reacted on franceinfo Sylvain Maillard, Renaissance deputy of Paris. “She has been leading government action for a year and, I believe, with real results and she has our full confidence. So I welcome this decision“, added the chosen one.

About the “adjustments“expected, it is up to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister”to determine the various ministers who seem to them the most competent, the most effective to carry out their action“, continued Sylvain Maillard. “What they know is that the deputies of the presidential majority, and particularly the Renaissance deputies, will be at their loyal side“.”We have had results for the 100 days decreed by the President of the Republic and I believe that there is a policy to continue to carry“, continues Sylvain Maillard.

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