“Not remotely bred!” : Patrick Bruel opens up about his sons Oscar and Léon as rarely

If it happens that he publishes magnificent declarations of love for them on Instagram, especially at the time of their respective birthdays, there is no question for Patrick Bruel of sharing with his subscribers the faces of his two sons, Oscar and Léon (19 and 17 years), which he protects from all media coverage. But that does not prevent him, from time to time, from confiding in them, as he did this Thursday, November 17 in the magazine Gala.

Invited to talk about his private life, Patrick Bruel, who would share the life for several months of a certain Clémence, younger than him, first welcomed the very respectful relationship built with his ex, the famous author Amanda Sthers. “With their mother, there was always an extraordinary understanding, the desire for a common education. There is not a single time when a big decision has not been made without the two of us consulting each other, and I am very present at their side.“, he explained with pride.

An ex-wife he married in 2004 in Paris after three years of love, and from whom he divorced in 2007 after the birth of their sons. But despite their separation, the two continued to get along perfectly, both on a family and artistic level: in 2019, for example, he had played in Holy Lands, directed by Amanda Sthers. And conversely, she had not hesitated to come and see him in concert, especially during the launches of his tours.

Present even beyond the Atlantic

A perfect agreement, which helps them raise their sons in the best possible way. Despite a sometimes difficult but necessary distance: since the end of 2015 and the Paris attacks, the writer has moved to the United States with her traumatized sons, which forces the singer to multiply the round trips. A situation discussed with his ex-wife: “When the question of leaving for the United States came up, it was a collective decision“, he specifies in effect to the magazine. “I didn’t raise them remotely!

Moreover, the singer is close to his two boys and proud to see that they are moving forward in their lives: at 19, the eldest is in the 3rd year of medicine, while the youngest is still in high school. But both could one day follow in their father’s footsteps. According to him, indeedmusic is very present in their lives“.”They play the guitar, the piano, they sing…“, he rejoiced. “It wasn’t that obvious! Me, for example, I am the first musician in my family“, he continues.

And he does not hesitate to tell them that he loves and cherishes them: “In concert, before singing the title Thread which describes this tenuous link between parents and children, I explain that you have to talk to your children, encourage them, tell them that you love them, that you are proud of their projects, their desires, their desires“. In short, a sweet dad as we like them!

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