“Not just shit!”

He remains his friend, despite the heavy charges against him. guest of What an era this Saturday, September 9, 2023, actor Jacques Weber, currently promoting the play Ruy Blastaken from the eponymous play by Victor Hugo, which he directed himself and whose poster he shares with Kad Meradwanted to recall the friendship and admiration he had for the actor Gérard Depardieuafter a question posed by Paul de Saint-Sernin, not without humour: “Is playing with Kad Merad like playing with Gérard Depardieu, except he doesn’t boo all day?”

A question that made you laugh the guest of Léa Salamé first, before getting more serious: ”I still remind you that Gérard Depardieu, well beyond the achievements attributed to him, is one of the most brilliant and delicate actors in the world’‘. An outing that initially made Christophe Dechavanne react, surprised by the end of his remarks: ”In the world ?” The Quelle Époque columnist was immediately cut off by host Léa Salamé, who dissociated herself from the praise expressed by her guest: ”It’s not just the prouts that we attribute to him lately”.

15 women accuse Gérard Depardieu of having abused and/or raped them

I have to say that since the freedom of speech of victims of sexual assault, many public figures find themselves facing justice. This is the case of the actor Gérard Depardieu. The case began in August 2018, when actress Charlotte Arnould accused the French actor of rape and sexual harassment, when she was only 22 years old. This first affair earned the sacred monster of French cinema an indictment ordered in December 2020. In April 2023, the newspaper Mediapart published a long investigation in which 13 women testified, and accused Gérard Depardieu of sexual assault committed on eleven different films, between 2004 and 2022. If the actor firmly contests each of their assertions, three of the accusers decide to file a civil suit with Charlotte Arnould. Last July, another woman in turn denounced, this time to France Intera sexual assault she claims to have suffered during filming in 2015.


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