“Not forgetting that one day we loved each other” by Nicolas Peyrac

Yes, I admit it, I’m one of the early fans of Nicolas Peyrac, this singer, author, composer as delicate as he is talented, and imagine, if you didn’t already know, that Nicolas Peyrac is also a novelist.

It is moreover his 4th novel that I invite you to discover today: “Without forgetting that one day we loved each other”, published by the Archipelago. A novel released on June 2 and which already a real success… and for good reason ! How to tell you this story, without saying too much? Not easy.

Let’s say it’s abouta love story (upset, eh, the love story!) between Simon, a recognized director, and Léa, an actress who is also in the limelight, thanks to her talent, her grace, and her hard work. Between these 2, it’s an old story. A story that dates back to adolescence. They crossed paths, fell in love without telling each other, and let the years go by without giving each other a chance… And then life…

Life will obviously bring them together again… but grains of sand will stop the machine. And the love story turns into a thriller. In our podcast, Nicolas Peyrac tells us what he had in mind before really unfolding the story.

In this novel, there is everything! Travel, landscapes, History and the dark hours of the world, a love story, and all the possibilities, the twists of fate, the jokes that life can throw at us… Can we imagine a sequel?

And then, Nicolas Peyrac is a “writing”, a style… Yes, and those who know him well will find his paw, his way of constructing his sentences, his words, but also his universe in real life: his passion for cinema, his Brittany, and lots of winks eye such as his dog, Lucky, who is also part of the novel.

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