“Not filing a motion of censure after a third 49.3” would have been “a mistake”, says LFI MP Clémence Guetté

We are different political groups and faced with a given situation we react differently“, said Friday, October 28 on franceinfo Clémence Guetté, LFI deputy for Val-de-Marne and vice-president of the LFI-Nupes group in the National Assembly. She reacts to the fact that the last motion of censure tabled Thursday by the Insoumis was not signed by the other parties in the left-wing coalition.”It is believed that not tabling a motion of no confidence after a third 49.3 in the week would be a mistake“, adds the chosen one who does not want”trivialize the fact that the government arrives and says ‘the texts will pass as they are’.

For Clémence Guette, it is not necessary “Give Way“the 49.3 of the government:”A 49.3 means the debate is over. Stop. Move along, nothing to see. We will pass our text as we see fit. They do not accept our amendments. They prevent us from debating“, she denounces. The Insoumise therefore explains that his party has every intention of filing a motion of censure each time Article 49.3 is used: “It is very probable. We will discuss it within our group and in the Nupes intergroup but yes, it is likely that each time, we are firmly opposed to it.”

“We were elected to oppose Macron’s policy so we are not going to start being silent.”

Clémence Guette, LFI MP

on franceinfo

When La France insoumise tabled a motion of censure, “we are serious“, she says: “It’s to bring down this government, it’s because we’re ready to govern and we want to take their place and we want to go back to the campaign and for there to be new legislative elections so we lead the logic all the way“. Concerning the fact that the Insoumis are alone this time to sign the new motion of censure tabled on Thursday, she affirms that some of their allies from the Nupes – failing to sign it – “have already declared that they will voter”.

As for a possible alliance between the Insoumis and the RN deputies, Clémence Guetté defends herself: “It is not us who decide what the RN will vote on the motions“, in reference to the fact that the National Rally voted the previous motion of censure of LFI. An act which caused a reaction in particular within the majority. Gérald Darmanin, for example, declared on France Inter that La France insoumise was “ready for everything“. To which the LFI deputy responds this Friday on franceinfo: “Mr. Darmanin has a short memory since he voted three motions of censure with the deputies of the FN at the time.“And the vice-president to add:”To oppose all the amendments that we tabled during the examination of the purchasing power bill this summer – I am thinking for example of the increase in the minimum wage – the macronists were very happy that the deputies of the RN voted with them to reject this amendment.

Finally, on a possible motion of censure tabled by Les Républicains, the MP believes that her group could vote for it: “It will depend on what the text contains, if it is reasonable, we can vote for it.

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