Northern recipes, organic sourdough bread and Picard beaten cake

From Lille to Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme, there are many culinary specialties: welsh, Flemish carbonade, maroilles tart, vergeoise waffle… To help us discover these good recipes and good addresses in the capital of Flanders, Nathalie Helal is with the journalist Anna Topaloffjournalist at The Obs : together, they go to meet enthusiasts who tell or manufacture the best products of the region.

Lille taverns

Anna Topaloff, who publishes this Thursday in The Obs an article on gastronomy in Lille, presents the specificity of the taverns Lille where you can play, eat cheaply and drink beers in a very friendly atmosphere. Very popular with young people and students, they are a must for anyone who wants to know the atmosphere of the city.

Northern cuisine enthusiasts

The first of them is Alex Croquet, artisan baker in Lille and Wattignies. He describes himself as a “crazy about bread”. All its breads are made from organic flour, purified and energized water, pure sourdough and Camargue or Guérande salt.

Patrick Villechaize is another northern food enthusiast. Historian and author of numerous works such as The revisited cuisine of Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Recipes from the North of France. He gives us some of the tastiest recipes of this culinary tradition.

The beaten cake

To present the beaten cake, a tradition of Abbeville and the Baie de Somme, Nathalie Helal called on Olivier Frevillebakery Francis-Freville. Founded in Quesnoy-le-Montant, near Abbeville, the establishment now has five stores. Olivier Fréville and his brother-in-law are the only two to know the recipe for this cake, which represents 30% of the activity of their brand.

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