Video duration:
2 min
Since the beginning of the month, French people have been observing the Northern Lights with wonder across the national territory. How to explain this phenomenon ? Explanations with journalist Lorraine Gublin, present on the 20 Heures set over the weekend, Friday September 29.
For several days, testimonies from French people having seen the Northern Lights have been increasing. So, has France become a privileged setting for observing them? “It’s a phenomenon. rare, but which we have been able to see almost everywhere in France in recent months, such as in Burgundy”introduces journalist Lorraine Gublinpresent on the 20 Heures set over the weekend, Friday September 29. How to explain this phenomenon ? “The answer lies 150 million kilometers away”indicates the journalist, who specifies that “the manager”It is “the sun”.
How to explain it?
“The Sun has cyclical activity. Every 11 years, it bubbles a little and generates a greater quantity of solar flares! These eruptions sometimes send particles into space that can arrive on Earth.explain Lorraine Gublin. These particles, by impacting the Earth’s magnetic field, cause the formation of northern lights. “When there is intense solar flare activity, like right now, the area where we can see the northern lights expands, we can see them at lower latitudes”adds the journalist.