North: young carillonneurs ready to take over at the Douai Conservatory



France 3

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France 3 Nord Pas-de-Calais: J. Maviert, L. Beunaiche, E. Meriaux – France 3

France Televisions

Douai, in the North, is the capital of bell ringers. Twenty candidates took the national exam at the top of the belfry, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The pupils of the conservatory are very young.

In Douai (North), bell ringers from all over France have passed their annual assessment. For some, it was the first exam. Three little boys started the carillon barely eight months ago. Their youth was hailed by the jury.It’s a forgotten instrument, which degrades very quickly, and that’s why we have to talk in the long term and be sure that in 10, 15 or 20 years, there will still be people playing them.“, estimates Patrice Latour, carillonneur in Rouen and president of the Guild of carillonneurs of France.

The Douai Conservatory does everything to attract the youngest, with demonstration sessions.At the Conservatoire, we have implemented an awareness policy. It is by doing these presentation and initiation sessions that some have fallen in love, and start this instrument which is unfortunately little or badly known.“, explains Stefano Colettimaster carillonneur and professor at the regional conservatory of Douai.

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