North Korea | Kim Jong-un brandishes the nuclear threat against the South and the United States

(Seoul) North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says he is prepared to use nuclear weapons in a possible military conflict against South Korea and the United States, state media reported Thursday. The dictator has launched into a new bellicose rhetoric against these countries which he accuses of wanting to plunge the Korean peninsula into war.

Posted yesterday at 11:42 p.m.

Hyung-jin Kim
Associated Press

In an address to Korean War veterans on the occasion of the 69e anniversary of the end of the conflict which stretched from 1950 to 1953, Kim Jong-un seemed to be seeking to strengthen the national unity of his impoverished country hard hit by the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

North Korea is also likely to intensify its threats against the United States and South Korea as the two allies prepare to improve their joint military exercises. Exercises that the North perceives as rehearsals for an invasion of its territory.

“Our armed forces are fully ready to react to any crisis and our deterrent nuclear weapons are also ready to mobilize all their power to fulfill their mission”, warned the leader according to a report of his speech published by the agency. of the regime’s press.

He accused the United States of “demonizing” North Korea to justify its hostile policies, then argued that the military exercises held by the United States and South Korea were proof of the American double standard since Washington qualifies each military exercise in the North of provocation or threat.

Kim Jong-un also attacked the new South Korean president, Yoon Suk Yeol, whom he described as “a maniac of confrontation”. He compares Yoon’s Conservative government to a “gangster-run” organization.

Since taking office, President Yoon has made announcements to bolster Seoul’s military alliance with the United States as well as bolster the capability to neutralize nuclear threats from the South. He even mentioned the possibility of preemptive strikes.

“Talking about military interventions against our nation, which has absolute weapons that they fear above all else, is an absurd, suicidal and very dangerous gesture”, threatened the leader of the North.

“Such a dangerous attempt would be immediately punished by our power and the government of Yoon Suk Yeol and his army would be annihilated,” he added.

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