North Korea fires another intercontinental missile, this time towards the Sea of ​​Japan

North Korea fired at least one intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) towards the Sea of ​​Japan on Thursday, Seoul said, a few hours before a visit to Tokyo by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

• Read also: South Korean president hails ‘new chapter’ in relations with Japan

• Read also: North Korea fires two ballistic missiles, Seoul says

• Read also: Washington and Seoul launch major military maneuvers, Pyongyang fires two cruise missiles

“Our army detected a long-range ballistic missile fired from the Sunan area in Pyongyang,” the joint staff told AFP, adding that it was an ICBM.

Japan’s Defense Ministry also confirmed the launch, tweeting that the missile was estimated to “fall outside Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone, approximately 550 km east of the Korean Peninsula.”

The Japanese coast guard has asked ships cruising in the area to watch out for any debris floating at sea.

It is Pyongyang’s third show of force since Sunday, when South Korea and the United States hold their biggest joint military drills in five years this week.

President Yoon and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida are due to meet in Tokyo on Thursday for talks including on Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs.

The summit is the first in 12 years between the two neighboring powers, which seek to mend ties long damaged by atrocities committed by Japan during its 35 years of colonial rule over Korea (1910-1945).

“Korea and Japan increasingly need to cooperate in this time of multiple crises, as North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats escalate,” South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Wednesday. in an interview with several media, including AFP.

“We cannot afford to waste time by ignoring the tense relations between Korea and Japan. I believe that we must end the vicious circle of mutual hostility and work together to defend the common interests of our two countries,” he added.

The two countries are currently increasing their defense spending and regularly hold joint military exercises.

North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles on Tuesday and two strategic cruise missiles from a submarine on Sunday, hours before the start of US-South Korea drills.

Called “Freedom Shield”, these exercises began on Monday and are to last ten days.

The South Korean military further disclosed in early March that special forces from Washington and Seoul are also conducting military “Teak Knife” maneuvers, which consist of simulating precision strikes on key facilities in North Korea.

The “Freedom Shield” drills focus on “the changing security environment” due to the redoubled aggressiveness of North Korea, the allies said.

North Korea views these drills as rehearsals for an invasion and regularly promises “overwhelming” action in response to them.

source site-64