North Korea denounces Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the inter-Korean demilitarized zone

(Seoul) North Korea on Saturday denounced Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas, calling the head of the American congressmen “the worst destroyer of international peace and stability”.

Posted yesterday at 11:27 p.m.

Mme Pelosi, who stopped in South Korea this week during her Asia tour, was the highest-ranking US official to visit the ‘Joint Security Area’ (JSA) since 2019, when then-President Donald Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un there.

The JSA is the only place, along the 250 km of the ultra-fortified demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea, where North Korean soldiers and members of the United Nations contingent face each other a few meters apart. led by the United States.

Before going to the JSA, Mme Pelosi and his South Korean counterpart Kim Jin-pyo had called in Seoul for “a strong and extensive deterrence against North Korea”.

The visit of Pelosi in the JSA “fully exposes the current US administration’s hostile view towards the DPRK” (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the official name of North Korea), said Jo Yong Sam, an official with the North Korean ministry. Korean Foreign Affairs.

“The United States is just throwing oil on the fire,” he added in a statement released by the official KCNA news agency.

This official also castigated the visit of Pelosi in Taiwan.

“Pelosi, the worst destroyer of international peace and stability, […] has drawn the wrath of the Chinese people for his recent trip to Taiwan,” Mr. Jo said.

“The United States will have to pay dearly for all the trouble she caused wherever she went,” he continued.

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