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In Normandy, the plum-stinging beetle, a protected species because threatenedlives on what should have been a 2×2 routes, in the Orne. The project is therefore delayed.
In Saint-Hilaire-de-Briouze (adorns)two men fiercely oppose a project: widening of a road into a 2×2 lane. A 45 kilometer section of a departmental road in the Orne, between FLERS and Argentan. The reason for their opposition: the plum picker or osmoderma hermit. This listed beetle is Near Threatened. He lives in trees. Traces of this insect would have been discovered on the planned section of the four lanes.
An investigation was therefore opened to verify the presence of the insect. For the department, the widening of the road is necessary. “It is a section that is vital for the department of Orne. It is vital for its economic development, with in particular the industrial basin of Flers”, says Christophe De Balorrapresident of the departmental council of the Orne. 20 years ago, the construction site of theA28 in the Sarthe, between Le Mans and Tours (Indre-et-Loire), had already been blocked by the beetle.