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After 10 days of trial and many scenarios and lies, it was Nordahl Lelandais’ lawyer who pushed his client to recognize the facts. Von Friday February 11, he admitted for the first time before the Grenoble Assize Court (Isere) and the jurors, having voluntarily kidnapped and then killed little Maëlys.
It’s a twist that no one expected. Nordahl Lelandais had never flinched and had always affirmed that little Maëlys had climbed into his vehicle voluntarily and that he had killed her accidentally. For nearly five hours, under the fire of questions, the former dog handler did not deviate and maintained his version of the facts before the Grenoble Assize Court (Isere) until the very end of the hearing, Friday February 11.
It is a little after 8 p.m. when the lawyer for Nordahl Lelandais stands up and speaks: “You killed that little girl on purpose, didn’t you?“. Guided by his lawyer, the accused confessed: “Yes it’s clear. I voluntarily killed Maëlys”before acknowledging the abduction. Yesterday again in court, Nordahl Lelandais denied any sexual assault.