Nordahl Lelandais describes his life journey on the third day of his trial for the murder of Maëlys

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8:23 p.m. : Here is a new point on the essentials of the news at the start of the evening:

The metropolis of Marseille announces the end of the garbage collectors’ strike, which began two weeks ago. The Force Ouvrière union will “call back to work” tomorrow evening.

“After the army, there was nothing that mattered” : Nordahl Lelandais told the Grenoble Assize Court, which is judging him for the murder of little Maëlys, how he started doing “whatever” after his abortive military career. Follow the audience live.

Medicare will cancel 300,000 false health passes in the coming weeks, franceinfo learned from Social Security.

It’s time for the Olympics! Two days before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics (February 4-20), curling launched sports competitions. This year, can France do even better than the 15 medals (including 5 gold), brought back from PeyongChang? Franceinfo sport believes in it and tells us why.

6:37 p.m. : At the trial of Nordahl Lelandais, tried for the murder of little Maëlys, the defendant was questioned about his addiction to sex. If he mentioned earlier his consumption of pornographic sites, he firmly denies having consulted child pornography sites.

6:09 p.m. : Here is a new point on the essentials of the news at the start of the evening:

“After the army, there was nothing that mattered” : Nordahl Lelandais told the Grenoble Assize Court, which is judging him for the murder of little Maëlys, how he started doing “whatever” after his abortive military career. Follow the audience live.

The Malian question invites itself to the Assembly and the Senate. A debate will be organized in Parliament to discuss France’s military commitment in Mali, in the context of a diplomatic crisis between the two countries, Jean Castex announced to the Senate.

A state of health emergency, which includes measures prohibiting travel outside the home, has been declared in New Caledonia. “Under the effect of the Omicron variant, the circulation of Covid-19 is experiencing a considerable increase” on this territory, announced the spokesman of the government Gabriel Attal, at the end of the Council of Ministers.

It’s time for the Olympics! Two days before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics (February 4-20) and after weeks marked by concerns over Covid-19 and political tensions linked to diplomatic boycotts, curling has launched sports competitions.

4:24 p.m. : The personality interrogation of Nordahl Lelandais continues before the Assize Court of Grenoble. You can follow the hearing with our journalist Catherine Fournier. The accused speaks about his life course, his addiction to sex, his cocaine consumption and his failures.


2:38 p.m. : At the Assize Court of Grenoble, the hearing resumed with the personality interrogation of Nordahl Lelandais, tried for the murder of little Maëlys. Catherine Fournier is there.

1:49 p.m. : Despite the dense news, let’s take a few moments in this live to list the essential articles on our site today:

As the wave of Covid-19 due to Omicron recedes, Vincent Matalon summarizes what we know about the possibility of falling ill again;

We explain to you the situation between Paris and Bamako since the junta decided to expel the French ambassador;

Delphine Gotchaux returns to the testimony of the best friend of the accused, who tried to convince Nordahl Lelandais “to explain the inexplicable”.

4:38 p.m. : It is noon and a few minutes, here is a new reminder of the main titles:

• Constraints are eased. France is now lifting certain restrictions: wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving the seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed. A health defense council is taking place today. Follow the situation in our live.

• Due to the passage of cyclone Batsirai, the prefect of La Réunion plans a red vigilance “I confine myself” at 7 p.m. (local time, i.e. 4 p.m. in Paris)

Housing was a “poor relation of the quinquennium”, judges the Abbé-Pierre Foundation. In its 27th annual report on the state of poor housing in France, the association reveals a bitter assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. Our journalist Yann Thompson has highlighted, in this article, the main lessons of this study.

• The personality interrogation of Nordahl Lelandais should take place this afternoon. The hearing is due to resume at 2 p.m. You can follow her live.

11:58 : This afternoon must take place the interrogation of personality Nordahl Lelandais. The hearing is due to resume at 2 p.m. You can follow her live.

11:18 a.m. : David, a longtime friend of Nordahl Lelandais, is now heard. He recounts, in particular, a discussion during a fishing trip, 7 or 8 years ago.

09:48 : The hearing resumes in Grenoble. Nordahl Lelandais, tried for the murder of Maëlys, in 2017, took his place in the box. Our journalist Catherine Fournier is on site.

06:15 : Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the main titles:

• Is the return to life before, is it coming soon? France is today lifting some restrictions following a two-step schedule. Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving a seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed.

• Judgment is harsh. For the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, housing was a “poor relation of the quinquennium”. In its 27th annual report on the state of poor housing in France, the association reveals a bitter assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. Our journalist Yann Thompson has highlighted, in this article, the main lessons of this study.

• Who inspects nursing homes? Are these checks frequent? The question is central after the revelations of the book-investigation The Gravediggers. Franceinfo answers six questions to better understand this case.

• Sven Lelandais, brother of Nordahl Lelandais, was heard on Tuesday by the Assize Court of Isère, where the latter is on trial for the murder of little Maëlys. The accused’s brother enlightened the jurors in his own way about the family’s mode of operation. Our journalist Catherine Fournier looks back on this day of hearing.

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