Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines affected by leaks in the Baltic Sea

These two gas pipelines are operated by a consortium dependent on the Russian giant Gazprom, but are not operational due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine.

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The Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, which connects Russia to Germany, is affected by two gas leaks in the Baltic Sea, announced Tuesday, September 27, the Danish and Swedish authorities. “Authorities have now been informed that there have been two further leaks in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which is also not operational, but contains gas”, said the Danish Minister for Climate and Energy. He also announced “raise the level of preparation of the electricity and gas sector” in the Nordic country.

These leaks occur the day after the announcement of another leak in the parallel Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. was built alongside the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, to double the capacity for importing Russian gas into Germany. The leak affects the underwater gas pipeline, majority owned by the Russian giant Gazprom. One of the Nord Stream 1 leaks occurred in Denmark’s exclusive economic zone, the other in Sweden’s, according to the two countries. Just like the leak noted the day before on Nord Stream 2, security measures have been taken.

Objects of geopolitical arm wrestling, the two gas pipelines operated by a consortium dependent on the Russian giant Gazprom are not operational because of the consequences of the war in Ukraine. But both are still filled with gas. “It is too early to say anything about the causes of the incidents”but the Danish Minister for Climate and Energy, Dan Jørgensen, announced that he was raising the level of vigilance of the electricity and gas sector in the Nordic country.

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