Nora by David Lascoux

Norah. Young amnesic woman in pursuit of a troubled and haunting past. Christopher. Successful writer on the edge of the abyss. Haunted by the ghost of his dead wife. Devoured by the white page syndrome. Joanna. Gendarmerie Lieutenant. Forced to lead a complex and confusing investigation and more personal battles. On the island of Ars, deserted by summer visitors and swept away by ocean storms, three destinies will intertwine and collide.

Nora by David Lascoux at Drakkar Editions

David is a 49 year old author. Originally from Gourdon in the Lot, nothing, a priori, predestined him to become a writer after a scientific baccalaureate and studies at a Business School. Passionate about travel, he had his first literary click at the age of 30 by writing an autobiographical travelogue story then an adventure novel. He then realizes that he takes great pleasure in writing and telling stories. However, his professional and personal life took him away from this budding passion for many years, but his imagination continued to be nourished by various readings with a growing interest in the authors of American and Scandinavian thrillers and thrillers. The second click comes in 2020 during the first confinement linked to the Covid19 pandemic. This dark atmosphere of the “end of the world” and the feeling of boredom which begins to become more and more heavy lead him quite naturally – almost “intuitively” – to begin writing his thriller Dédoulement. Written in 6 months, the novel will be released in January 2021 in self-publishing for a first test. Knowing some success and encouraging feedback in a month and a half, he will now continue the adventure with Drakkar Editions

Listen to David Lascoux in the Reading Corner of France Bleu Périgord:

Nora by David Lascoux

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