non-teaching staff say they are “generally fed up”, according to Snuter-FSU

Julien Fonté, co-secretary general of the territorial FSU –the union bringing together agents of local authorities and their public establishments said to himself “very confident about the mobilization”, this Wednesday on franceinfo.

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“There is a general fed up”, said Wednesday January 12 on franceinfo Julien Fonté, co-secretary general of the territorial FSU (Snuter-FSU), the union bringing together agents of local authorities and their public establishments, while a strike took place Thursday, January 13 in L’Enational education against the health protocol implemented in schools to fight against the progression of Covid-19. The Snuter-FSU joined in the call to strike. Julien Fonté says to himself “very confident about the mobilization”. He points “an exhaustion of colleagues who have suffered the health situation for two years” and denounces “measures which are incomprehensible, which change regularly, which increase the workload with replacements which are not always there when there are absences”.

The union representative underlines “pressure and wear” supported by staff for two years and deplores the “disaster” from the start of the school year at the beginning of January. “The lack of protocol, the changes, it’s incomprehensible and it’s untenable, including for their health.” Julien Fonté ensures not to strike “against a virus” corn “against this government’s catastrophic management of the health situation”. He believes that for “keep the school open” despite the virus, you have to give yourself “the means of keeping it open in safe sanitary conditions for everyone, students, families and staff “.

For the co-secretary general of Snuter-FSU, “a good health policy” is “the same regardless of the personnel”. He advocates “secure the buildings, at least have CO2 sensors, air purifiers, circulation circuits for children and students which allow a certain security”. Julien Fonté adds the need for “quality mask equipment for all personnel “.

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