Non-francophone immigration | Legault makes “shabby” remarks, ton Anglade

(Laval) “It’s petty politics, it’s petty, it’s pathetic! thundered Dominique Anglade on Monday, scandalized by François Legault’s remarks the day before that non-French-speaking immigration, if not limited in number, is a threat to “national cohesion” in Quebec.

Posted at 10:14 a.m.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

The Liberal leader considers that her CAQ opponent is “backsliding” after having associated violence and immigration a few days ago. He wants to “divide Quebecers,” according to her.

François Legault “calls on the lowest instincts. It feeds the fear of the other. It constantly feeds the fear of the other. The oldest form of politics is to scare people and say: be careful, this one is different, he says things that are different from us, he doesn’t look like us. It’s the oldest form of politics to pit one against another. And it’s deliberate. He still does it today and will continue to do so, ”she said at a press conference in Laval.

For her, it is “important to have a successful integration” by increasing resources for francization and regionalizing immigration. “It’s all very important, but the last thing we have to do is play against each other. That’s petty, petty politics.”

The PLQ wants Quebec to welcome 70,000 immigrants during the first year of a mandate – 50,000 for the CAQ. Then, each region would determine its own immigration threshold based on its needs and its ability to integrate. She accuses François Legault of wanting to “decide in an ivory tower and impose his way of doing things on the regions”.

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