Nolwenn Leroy with an open heart about her relationship with Arnaud Clément, the coach “The Voice” lets go in the face of the crisp questions of Léa Salamé!

On Saturday evening, viewers of France 2 enjoy seeing Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé on the hit show “On est en direct”. But at the latest news, the presenter could soon leave the program as pointed out Puremedia. The principal concerned would be frightened at the idea of ​​making the “season too many”. For his part, his darling Hugo Manos more or less confirmed the information on the set of TPMP People this Saturday, March 12, 2022.

“He likes to be alone at the controls. And it’s a bit complicated with Léa’s producer and all that gets him a little drunk. He has no problems with the channel, he will continue to do the other two shows, but on Saturday evening potentially it can stop”, he confessed. For the moment, Laurent Ruquier continues to present his show alongside Léa Salamé. Yesterday, the duo had the honor of welcoming François Alu and singer Nolwenn Leroy. If Marin’s mother spoke of her brilliant career, she also had to open up about her private life.

In a sequence, the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann launched a very special quiz “it was better before”. To begin with, she obviously put the artist at ease with some fairly basic questions. Especially if “it was better before” when Jacques Chirac was at the head of the government or today with the Macron government.

Facing the camera, Nolwenn Leroy tried not without difficulty to hide his embarrassment. In the process, Léa Salamé assured her that she was not obliged to answer. But it is badly to know the interpreter of “Just to remember” who still wanted to continue the interview. “Was sex better before? At 20 or 40?” dropped Laurent Ruquier’s sidekick. Amused, Nolwenn Leroy then replied without flinching:” Oh no, it’s better at 40! Oh yeah, always.” It is said !


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