Nolwenn Leroy: Why did she choose the first name Marin for her son?

Gwenaël? Elouan? Guirec? Nolwenn Leroy has so much Brittany in the heart that one could have imagined everything, when she was pregnant with her first child. And yet, on July 12, 2017, when his son opened his eyes for the first time, his parents opted for the first name Marin. A nice nickname, unusual … in any case, at the time! After the singer revealed her boy’s identity to the press, without revealing his face, the popularity rating of “Marine“doubled, then tripled. In 2020, 686 new little pirates were born …

At the beginning, I wanted to give him a purely Breton first name

So much the better, rejoices the companion of Arnaud Clément, 39, with Purepeople. The first name Nolwenn had also climbed at the time of the Star Ac ! It makes me happy, it’s a nice name. Initially, I wanted to give my son a purely Breton, Celtic first name, and then finally this first name was essential because it carries in it all of Brittany but also well beyond the courage, the voyage, the sailors. The sea. Everything brings me back to the sea. It is an infinite source of inspiration.“The expanses of water, like the maternity ward, have also whispered the idea of ​​working, with Benjamin Biolay, on the title My beautiful privateer, the sixth track from his latest album The mare.

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