Nolwenn Leroy tempted by cosmetic surgery? Frank confidences on what she doesn’t like about her

Nolwenn Leroy is back with a brand new album, The mare, co-written with Benjamin Biolay. To promote it, the artist gave a big interview to Paris Match, in the edition of Thursday, November 4, 2021. She goes behind the scenes of her writing, on the different stages of her career but also on her image.

Often the victim of the worst comments from viewers or Internet users, Nolwenn Leroy finds a whole bunch of unfounded flaws. Like many other personalities, she plans to have cosmetic surgery one day, but not immediately. “My ear is weird”, “you can see my wrinkles too much”, “my nose is too big, she lists in the pages of Paris Match.

Our colleagues summarize his state of mind in a few lines: “Cosmetic surgery scares him; she doesn’t feel ready but she thinks about it often, sometimes considers it and watches for small physical changes in personalities of his age. His complexes have created a distorting filter. For the rest, and fortunately, at the dawn of her 40th birthday, she admits that she has never been so serene.

In 2017, Nolwenn Leroy held the same speech in the columns of The Express. This time the artist expressed his fear of inheriting a quack doctor. “This surgery is like Art: it all depends on who is holding the pencil or the scalpel. Consider it? Maybe one day. I think the fear of running into a bad practitioner would be a huge drag. It all depends on the importance of the problem “, she developed, while pleading the culture of differences.

Find the full interview with Nolwenn Leroy in the latest issue of Paris Match.

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